Existing Home Energy Review: 3 hours - $250

This is a walkthrough of your home, to review and assess your potential for reducing energy costs. Before the walkthrough I would have you submit information about energy use and your desires for your property via a web form. The follow up would be a written review of recommended strategies for lowering your energy bills. They might include systems upgrades, changes in habit, or modifications to your home, depending on your desired outcomes.
*Homes over 1 hour from Tivoli, NY or over 3,000 SF will have additional charges.

Existing Home Property Use Assessment: 3 hours - $250 

This is a walkthrough of a property you own or want to buy. Things covered could be: where is best to plant a garden, how to capture rainwater for garden irrigation, where to put a green house, or how animals like chickens or ducks could be integrated into a homestead or garden. The follow up would be a written review of recommended strategies for integrating the above into a full
*Properties over 1 hour from Tivoli, NY or over 5 acres will have additional charges.

New Construction Energy Use Assessment: 4 hours - $350

This is a review process that could happen at any stage of the design process for a new home. The best time to do it? Before you start. This includes a 1 hour presentation on passive house and permaculture design principles. 

Permaculture Site Design: up to 5 acres - $1500

We walk your land together, discuss the yields you would like to realize and create a master plan based on your budget. Common directions at this scale are kitchen gardens, small livestock like chickens, fruit and nut trees. Having everything in the best positions on the landscape can make all the difference. It can save you time, money and resources. A good site plan will provide efficient use of space and energy. It will also bring each element into harmony, increasing yields, and the sense of joy and well being you get from interacting with your landscape.

Permaculture Site Design: 5 to 15 acres - $2500

The process is similar, though at this scale more animal systems are possible, and there may be more infrastructure considerations in the plan. This is also when a market garden and more revenue generation possibilities open up.

Permaculture Site Design: over 15 acres - Pricing based on wish list.

Ok. You are really going for it here. We should talk.  : ))

Passive House Consulting for Single Family Homes - $4000

Building or renovating a home to Passive House standards provides the lowest energy bills, and highest comfort and quality of life you can find in a home today. Construction techniques and aesthetics can be almost anything, though the effect on air quality, indoor climate and comfort are consistent when the standard is achieved. Having a Certified Passive House Consultant is required for certification, and it is the consultant who champions the cause with architect and builder to make sure the metrics are achieved. Specific building techniques, uncommon product knowledge and energy modeling are the tools a Certified Passive House Consultant  brings to the table. The overall engagement starts before plans are drawn, and carry's through till occupancy. 


Have a project you want to discuss?

Get a FREE 30 minute phone consultation if you sign up for my mailing list. I'll get back to you within 48 hours to set up the call.

Its a good idea to review the project descriptions on this website before we talk. Really think about what your goals are for your property.

If you don't like to wait, just call me. My number is below.

Andrew Personette - CPHC®

Certified Passive House Consultant, PHIUS / 2015
Permaculture Design Certificate, PRI / 2014
Homesteader, Homestead 33 / 2012-Current
General Contractor, EcoSystems, NYC  / 2007-2014
Sustainable Product Designer, EcoSystems / 2007-Current

T 917.517.7754
E andrew.personette@gmail.com

Homestead 33
PO Box 333
Tivoli, NY 12583